Paragon has the ability to display, print, and email driving directions. Directions can be obtained
to drive to a single property or to drive to several properties, routing them in any order you choose.
Driving directions can originate from any location, with turn-by-turn directions provided in text or
map format.
Note: This Quick Start Guide assumes the user has run a search and selected the properties for
which to get the driving directions and that the user has knowledge of the map c controls;
zoom in, zoom out; and panning the map to the north, south, east, and west.
Show Checked
For best results, limit the display to the properties for which you want driving directions.
• From the search results spreads sheet, select the properties.
• Click Checked in the spreadsheet toolbar. Only the selected listings appear.
The Driving Directions link is found in the Actions drop down menu on the spreadsheet toolbar.
• Click Actions.
• Click Driving Directions. The Driving Directions window appears.
Driving Directions Window
1. The results section (on the left)
2. The map with color-coded icons shows the property locations (in the middle)
3. The Driving Directions set-up section (on the right)
The numbered icons for each listing in the results section corresponds with the numbered icon on
the map. The addresses of the listings in the Selection Destinations(s) window appear in the
same order as the numbered icons in the result section; e.g., listing results icon 3 corresponds with
the number 3 icon on the map. This is also the third listing in the Driving Direction set-up section.
Note: To add additional properties to the list of Selected Destinations:
• Select each listing to be included in the Driving Direction by checking the checkbox.
• Click Checked to use just the listings selected.
Place the cursor over a listing
in the results section displays
a listing information call out
that points to the listing icon on the map.
Routing the Order of the Properties
Place the listings in the order in which you wish to visit them:
• Click a listing address in the Destination window
• Click Move Up or Move Down to place the address in the
order in which you want it to appear.
Choosing the Starting Location
• The default starting point is the Agent Office address
entered into the Agent Profile in Paragon.
• Select Choose a Contact to display the list of contacts and
their address in the Paragon Contact Manager. Select the
desired contact and the contact’s address is entered as the
starting point.
• Select Agent Home to display the Agent’s home address as the starting point.
• Select Other to manually enter an address as the starting point.
Selecting the Origin Display Type
• Select Tour Directions Origin to display the entire list of
properties as a route, starting with the first property and ending
with the last property selected.
• Select Single Source Origin to show driving directions to each location from the same starting
point; e.g., office to the first property, office to the second property, office to the third property,
Choosing the Driving Directions Display
Options for the Driving Direction Display are:
Text Only: Displays turn-by-turn directions as text without a map.
Overview Map with Text: Displays the text directions and includes a map.
• The map shows the starting point as a green flag.
• Each intermediate point is marked with a blue flag.
• The end point is marked with a red flag.
Turn-by-Turn Maps with Text: Displays the Overview Map plus additional, turn-by-turn
maps with directions.
Creating the Driving Directions
Click Calculate Directions to create the driving directions.
