Paragon, working in conjunction with Google Maps, provides a search tool that allows you to draw multiple geometric shapes on a map to display property search results and up to 19 different categories of Geographic Information System (GIS) data. Map searches can be initiated several different ways: within a property search and Mapping under Specialty Search. The mapping tool is the same regardless of where you initiate the map search. This Quick Start Guide will demonstrate map search functionality from Search > Specialty Search > Mapping as shown below.
To begin our Map Search, click Search. Then move your mouse down and then to the right and click on Mapping. A map will open centered on your broker office’s address.
The map controls are located in the upper left and right corners of the map.
These controls will be described on the following pages starting with the controls in the upper left corner.
This search, initially, is a Multi-Class search with no criteria in a search template.
There are three (3) possible views:
- Road view
- Automatic (default setting)
- Bird’s Eye or Aerial View
With the Bird’s Eye view, there are two (2) checkboxes:
- Show Labels: shows road names and labels significant locations on the map.
- Show angled view: if available, so you see the sides of structures.
The Automatic view initially displays the Road view. Using the zoom tools in the upper right hand corner of the map, you can zoom in. The map display will automatically switch from Road view to Bird’s Eye. You can continue to zoom in as long as Bing has images to display for the selected area. The number of Bing map images will vary between regions of the country.
Angled View and 3D View
Angled View
3D View
Geometric Shapes
You can draw three (3) different shapes types on a map (below) and typically, draw up to four (4) different shapes on a map.
- Polygon
- Rubber Band or Rectangle
- Radius or Circle
To draw a shape, click on the desired shape in the upper left corner of the map tool. On the map, click to begin your geometric shape surround the region where you want to find listings. When you complete your shape, Paragon will calculate the number of matches based on criteria in your search criteria template and within the drawn shape (s).
Note: If you shapes overlap, Paragon will only count each unique address once even though it may be in multiple shapes.
Note: Although your results may be larger, a Search Map will display the first 200 properties on the map based on the first 200 lines of your default spreadsheet
Polygon - You can draw irregular shapes using this tool. You can follow streets and other natural or man made formations. Using the left and/or right mouse clicks, identify the desired region using up to 20 mouse clicks. On your 19th click, Paragon will advice you the next click will be your last and the polygon will be closed.
Rubber band or Rectangle – You can draw a regular rectangle. Your first left mouse click on the map establishes a corner of your rectangle. Move your mouse to the left or right, up or down on the map. Your next left mouse click will complete your rectangle.
Radius or Circle – You can draw a regular circle or enter value in the Radius (miles) field.
- If you draw a circle, your first left mouse click will establish the center point of your circle. Move your mouse to the left or right, up or down on the map. Your next left mouse click will complete your circle.
- If you enter a value in the Radius (miles) field, based on the center point of your displayed map, the circle is drawn after you enter a value (I.E. 1, 2, .1 or .2) and click Go.
Note: If you your geometric shape needs to extend beyond the edge of the map, with a sustained left mouse click, you can drag the map in the desired direction without placing a click on the map.
Your Search Map could look like this.
Note: When viewing a map in Bird’s Eye View, you can draw geometric shapes on the map.
Additional Map Tools:
In the upper right hand corner of the map are the following tools:
- Add to Criteria – Return to your search criteria template to refine your search criteria prior to view your search results based on the criteria in the template and your geometric shape(s).
- Search Now – View your search results. Using the criteria in the search criteria template and your geometric shapes, view the results in your default results, as if you click Search.
- Cancel – cancel your map work and return to your search criteria template.
- Zoom Tools – click the “-”, “+” or use the vertical zoom tool to adjust the map view.
- Navigation Disk – By clicking on any part of the Navigation Disk, you can nudge the map in that direction. You can also move the map with a sustained left mouse click.
Note: the default starting point of your map search is your broker’s office address. You can change the map’s starting point by clicking Preferences > System > Search Options > check the checkbox before you click Custom Map Address. Enter your new starting location, click Get Address, then Save and Save again.
MLS # is a link to a listing detail sheet
When you hover over a map pushpin, a callout is displayed for the property. When you click on the MLS# in the callout, a property detail sheet is displayed. This report is selected by your MLS.
Applies to the map 2 layers of Geographic Information System (GIS) data: (see Points of Interest for 17 additional layers of GIS data)
- Lines or Property Boundary Lines
- TaxIDs
On the map, you can display just Property Boundary Lines or Property Boundary Lines and TaxIDs.
Note: The traffic option is a part of the Bing Map solution we are using. If available in your area, when you select Traffic, the current traffic speed of the interstate highways is displayed using a color-coded highlight of the interstate highway. Below is the color code legend.
Regardless of your starting point (your broker’s office address or a customized starting point added via Preferences), you can type in any address and click Get Address to have the map centered on that new and temporary map location. This is especially helpful if you need a specific location displayed on the map like a Subject Property for a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis), work or other facility in the community. Use this new address as you draw geometric shapes on the map.
Points of Interest:
Bing Maps will display up to 10 icons for each category (I.E. Schools, Grocery, Food, Gas, etc) within a 20 mile radius of your starting point. To add Points of Interest, click POI. In the display options box, click the icons for the Points of Interest you want to display on your property Search Map.
Note: To remove a Point of Interest category, click on that POI to remove its highlight and its display on the map.
Website is a link to the Bing Search Results web page
When you hover over a Point of Interest pushpin, at callout is displayed for the location. When you click on Website in the callout, the Bing Search results web page is displayed.
The Legend provides the key for the color-coded pushpins identifying each of your search result properties’ status.
When you click Print, your print dialogue box opens, allowing you to print the displayed map.
Map Breadcrumbs
The Bing Map has a breadcrumb function. By clicking on any element of the breadcrumb, the map will resize. On the far right hand side of the breadcrumbs is a “V”. The “V” will return you to the previous most zoomed in level.
