Text Searches:
With the Find text search, you can type one or more phrases in plain language to create a
search entry, such as the number of bedrooms or the house address. Searches are
cumulative so as you add criteria, your search results narrow.
For example, you can enter the phrase "Las Vegas‟ into the Find search field and click
Search. This returns results for properties in Las Vegas. You can then type "3 bed‟ in the
search field and click Search. Find adds this new value to the existing criteria, and returns
results for 3 bedroom properties in Las Vegas in the Property Search Results panel.
The following is a list of tips and suggestions on how to enter searches:
- Searching by city first will help narrow down the number of matches that are returned to a more manageable number.
- If you aren't sure what criteria to add, start your search with a single category and then add additional criteria one by one. For example, to find a 3 bedroom house in Las Vegas' Showboat neighborhood for around $50k - 100k you might follow this order:
- Las Vegas House [Search] (two categories entered)
- N: showboat
- 3 bed [Search]
- 50k - 100k [Search]
- Power Shortcuts start with a letter followed by a colon, for example "ps: for sale‟, means search for the Property Status "For Sale‟; 'o: Peter Lee' means search for the Owner Name 'Peter Lee‟.
- Some words that can be used as keywords, such as 'marble floors' or 'golf club' are ambiguous since 'marble' and 'golf' are also names of cities. For the best results, type Power Shortcut "k:‟ before entering a keyword, for example "k: marble floors‟.
- Find uses an 'intelligent search' to find words with similar meanings, for example searching for the keyword "deck‟ will return results also for patio, veranda, porch, terrace or lanai.
Some Text Search Rules
- Searches are not case sensitive.
- All words you enter are searchable.
- Commas are optional and imply the separation of a phrase.
Keyword searches are AND' conditions i.e. "k: pool, deck‟ will find only those
properties with both a pool and a deck. See Advanced Keyword search later in this section for more details.
Next Lesson: Starting A Text Search With Find.
