Saved Searches are stored on the Searches tab on the sidebar.
Note: When you save a search, you are saving only the search criteria, NOT the search results. Every time you run that search only the most current results will be returned.
To save a search:
- Create the text or map search as usual.
- When your search is complete, click the Save button next to the Search text field.
- Enter a unique name for your search.
- (Optional) To make this search a default or a Hot Feed, select the appropriate box.
- Click Save.
- An info pop-up displays notifying you the search has been saved. Click OK to close the pop-up.
- The search now appears in the Searches sidebar.
To access your saved searches:
- Click the Searches sidebar tab and the "Searches" list will display.
To run a saved search:
- Click the name of the search you wish to run from the "Searches" sidebar panel.
The search runs and the results display in the "Search Results" Panel.
To rename a search:
- In the Saved Searches list, hover over the search to display available options icons.
- Click the Rename(Pencil) icon.
- Type a new name and click Save.
To delete a search:
Note: You cannot delete your Default Search. Instead, using Display Preferences, set another search as your default and then return to the Saved Searches list to delete.
- In the Saved Searches list, hover over the search to be removed to display available options icons.
- The Rename and Delete icons display.
- Click the Delete(Trash Can) icon.
- Click Yes to confirm.
Next Lesson: Conducting a Map Search Within Find.
