Associated Documents is a repository of documents the listing agent ties to their listings in Paragon. Adding Associated Documents is a listing maintenance function. Any document that is part of that listing may be uploaded to that listing in Paragon. Then as other agents view your listing, they will have the opportunity to view any document(s). Check with your Broker on which type of documents they recommend or not recommend before you upload to your listing.
Uploading Associated Documents
Click Listings on the Banner Menu and under Maintain click Listings.
The following will display. Click Select an Action on the row of the listing to which you want to add Associated Documents.
In the Select an Action modal, click Associated Documents.
Add a Document window displays. Click the plus (+) sign to add a document to your listing.
The Add New modal opens. Click Browse to locate the document on your computer to be added to your listing.
Browse to locate the document to be uploaded to your listing. When you have located the document, you can either double click on the file or click Open in your File Upload window.
The Add New modal again is displayed with the file location populated in the Select a File field. Add your own description so it is clear to other agents the content of the uploaded document. Click Save to complete the upload process for this document.
The Add a Document window is again displayed with updated content. You can add multiple documents to your listing.
Note: Associated Documents can be one of the following formats: .doc .txt .jpg .tif .rtf .efx .pdf, .docx .docm .dotx .dotm .xlsx .xlsm .xltx .xlsb .xlam
Associated Documents uploaded into Paragon allows buyers’ agents to access these documents as they assist their buyers in the purchase process.
Once the listing agent uploads associated documents into Paragon, they can refer agent inquires to Paragon for the needed documents. The listing agent does not have to stop their activities to locate and fax the documents to the inquiring agents.
Finding Associated Documents
Associated Documents are a report viewable after doing a property search.
From any search results report, you can view Associated Documents by clicking Available Reports in the upper right hand corner of the Paragon window. Click Specialty Views and click Associated Docs. You can step through the Associated Documents for each property just as you do for other reports.
From a spreadsheet, there are two (2) ways to view Associated Documents.
Display 1: Click Available Reports in the upper right hand corner of the Paragon window. Click Specialty Views and click Associated Docs. You can step through the Associated Documents for each property just as you do for other reports.
Display 2: With your spreadsheet customized to display Quick Link Icons, click on the book-like icon to see the associated documents for that specific listing.
After clicking the report or the book-like icon, a screen similar to the following will appear, if the listing has Associated Documents.
Click the document’s name to display the document contents.
When you select a document by checking the box on the left of the document name allows you to email that doc as an attachment or print out the selected docs. Remember, only documents that were made “public” can be emailed.
If a report has been customized to include documents, when that report is emailed as a hyperlink, the customer will be able to see the public doc.