Slideshow is a Paragon tool members can use to showcase their own listings. It can also showcase any Paragon listing. The Slideshow is based on Search result listings.
You create slideshows of listings on-line in Paragon. However, the slideshow will play whether the members are on-line or off-line. The off-line content for the Slideshow is saved in your browser’s cached memory. If you empty your browser’s cached memory, you will delete the off-line ability to play slideshows you have created. They will still play when you are on-line.
This Quick Start Guide shows you how to create Slideshows.
Note: The URL that is generated when a Slideshow is created is good for 30-days. When the Slideshow expires, the Slideshow creator will receive an expiration notice E-mail.
This Quick Start Guide assumes you have run a property search and you are viewing the results.
Select between 1 and 50 listings by checking the checkboxes on the listing report you are viewing. In this example, we are using a spreadsheet. You can use any search results report as long as it has a checkbox for listing selection. You must select at least one listing to use the Slideshow.
Hover over Actions and click Slideshow in the dropdown menu
The Slideshow creation tool is displayed as shown on the next page.
You can create and play multiple Slideshows simultaneously.
Complete the form to generate your Slideshow.
Slideshow Description is a required field. Enter a Slideshow title with a maximum of 50 characters.
Listing Photos to Display: Select either Primary Photo (only) per Listing or All Photos per Listing
Listing Info Header: Select either MLS# and Address or Photo Label and Description
Listing Info Field Customization: Click the button and a modal is opened. Select up to 12 fields. Customize the fields using the customization tool you use for searches and report customization.
Listing Slideshow Display Options: There are three options.
- Image Transition Speed (Seconds): Select between 1 and 10 seconds – dropdown box
- Show Thumbnail (at the top of the slideshow) – checkbox
- Include Navigation Controls (Pause | Play | Previous | Next – checkbox
Agent / Office Info Options: there are three options. Select the desired info via radio button.
- Include Agent Image and Info (agent image, agent phone number and office name)
- Include Office Image and Info (office logo and office phone number)
- Do not include (Slideshow is unbranded)
E-mail Link Option: Email the slideshow link to me (agent record E-mail address) – checkbox
When you have setup the Slideshow, click Generate Slideshow button in the upper right hand corner of the Slideshow Creation modal.
The Slideshow is generated and opened in a new tab. When the Slideshow is created, an E-mail is sent to your agent record E-mail address, html code is saved in your browser’s cached memory and a new browser tab is opened playing your Slideshow. A new modal is opened with Slideshow details. Click OK to close the modal.
Each Slideshow will be available for 30-days from the day is was created. When a Slideshow expires, you will receive an E-mail from Paragon advising you the Slideshow has expired. You can recreate the Slideshow for another 30-day period.
You can copy and paste the Slideshow URL in an E-mail and send it to a client. You can paste it into your public facing webpage or a variety of other link compatible fields or programs.
E-mail notice Paragon will send you when you create at a Slideshow.
E-mail notice Paragon will send you when your Slideshow expires.
Slideshow Examples:
Slideshow with:
- MLS# & Address
- All Listing Photos
- Agent Information
Slideshow with:
- Label and Description
- Primary Photo Only
- Office Information
