To change the email address you use to login to Cloud CMA: navigate to your Settings at the top right of the page after you initially log in. Choose the User tab. Edit the email address. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Update.
To change the email address displayed as contact information in your reports: navigate to your Settings at the top right of the page after you initially log in. Choose the Contact tab. In the Contact tab delete the existing email address by clicking on the Trash Can to the right of it. At the top next to New contact click on the drop down menu and select email. Enter your email address to the right, click on Add and it will appear in the contact list. You can now click and drag the new email address to place it in the order you prefer! You can follow these same steps to change or add any other type of contact information. Republish any existing report in order for the changes to take effect.
