MLS Provider/Multiple Listing Organizations (MLOs) - The organization/company/entity that licenses and manages the MLS system. Examples: CRMLS, BrightMLS, YesMLS, etc.
MLS Vendor - The software company that is responsible for the development, marketing and sales of an MLS system(s). Examples: CoreLogiv, FBS, Paragon, Rapattoni, dynaConnections
MLS System - The name of the actual software program use to manage property listing data. Examples: Paragon, Matrix, flexMLS, Rapattoni MLS, connectMLS
"Home Grown" MLS system - MLS systems built.and.supported by MLS providers.
3rd Party Software - Software provided by companies other than the MLS Vendor. Examples:
HomeSpotter, Cloud CMA, RPR, Remine.
"System of Choice" - A term used when MLS providers offer multiple MLS systems to its members.
Front End of Choice - A software solution, usually provided by a third party software vendor that
provides members with an alternative front end to searching MLS data and other function but not
necessarily a full MLS system.
MLS of Choice - An unfortunate name given to MLS Policy Statements 7.42 and 7.43.
MLS Consolidation - When two or more MLS providers join together to form a stronger organization Examples: Mergers, joint ventures and other types of collaborative relationships for a permanent, ongoing or short-term purpose.