eKEY Error Codes


Keybox Operating Error Codes

Error Code
Short Name
9026 Bad Cookie Keybox failed to decrypt a cookie. eKEY is not configured correctly. Please update your eKEY.
9027 Key Expired Keybox determines that a cookie is expired. Access denied. Key is expired. Please update your eKEY.
9028 Not Enough Data Key did not send enough data for a message during a KeyBox interaction. Not enough data. Please try function again.
9029 Command Denied Command denied during KeyBox interaction – not authorized or not permitted. Command denied. Not authorized to open KeyBox.
902A Unknown Cookie Type The keybox is sent a cookie type it does not understand. eKEY is not configured correctly. Please update your eKEY.
902B Invalid Operation Mode An invalid operation mode was sent to the Keybox in the Start Connection command. Invalid operation mode. An unknown operation mode was requested.
902C Bad Command The command is unknown, has unexpected data, or invalid options. Invalid command. Command unknown or contains unexpected data.
902D Invalid Expiration Code The expiration date in the Config Cookie does not decrypt properly. Access denied. Key is not updated. Perform a wireless or obtain and enter anemergency update code.
9041 Bad Cookie Lockout The keybox is in ‘Bad Cookie Lockout’ mode. Can be returned from any Keybox command. Authorization invalid. Lockout is in effect.
9042 Bad ID Cookie The ID Cookie cannot be verified by the Keybox. Authorization cannot be verified. Please update your eKEY.
9043 Bad Config Cookie The Config Cookie cannot be verified by the Keybox. Authorization cannot be verified. Please update you eKEY.
9044 Not Owner of Keybox The command was denied because the ‘Owner Only’ option was enabled for this command. Access denied. Access only allowed to owner of KeyBox.
9045 Invalid Challenge Response The programming base response is incorrect. Connection failed. Please try again.
9046 Copy Protection Violation The Keybox is unable to retrieve the code (PIN. Shackle. Programming) due to KPin being incorrect. Copy protection violation. Please update your eKEY.
9047 No Public Information Area The Keybox memory map is not configured properly. Programming error. Contact Support.
9048 Clock Not Adjusted Clock adjustment values sent with the 0x4A command were invalid or caused an invalid date. The Keybox time does not get updated. Clock not adjusted. Invalid time entered.
9049 Key Locked Out The Key Serial number is in the lockout list of the box. Access denied. Key is on lockout list.
904A Crypto Keys Already Rolled A second crypto rollover was tried after an initial successful rollover. This error simply indicates that the rollover was already complete. Crypto already rolled.  
906A Invalid Memory Address A memory address is out of bounds. Operation denied. Memory error.
906B Read Write Permission Denied The current operation mode and permissions do not allow the memory address to be read or written. Access denied. Verify shackle code and re-enter.
906C EEPROM Failed The EEPROM cannot be written because of a hardware failure. KeyBox failure. Contact Field Support.
9070 One Time Access error Keybox reports the GUID associated with One Time Access Code or One Time Cookie has already been used. Access denied. Key not updated. Verify device permissions with administrator or obtain and enter an emergency access code.
9071 Incorrect PIN The user entered an incorrect PIN code. Access Denied. Incorrect PIN code. Verify PIN code and re-enter.
9072 Incorrect Shackle The user entered an incorrect shackle code. Access Denied. Incorrect Shackle code. Verify shackle code and re-enter.
9073 Incorrect Programming Code The user entered an incorrect programming code. Access Denied. Incorrect Shackle code. Verify shackle code and re-enter.
9074 Bad Code Lockout Too many bad codes have been entered. Have to wait 15 minutes and try again. Access denied. Lockout is in effect.
9075 Obtain Key Lockout Too many bad obtain key codes have been entered. Have to wait 15 minutes and try again. Access denied. Lockout is in effect.
9076 Key Not Updated The cookies are not updated. Access denied. Key not updated. Perform a wireless or obtain and enter an emergency update code.
9077 Wrong CBS Code User entered an incorrect CBS code. Access denied. Incorrect CBS code. Verify CBS code and reenter.
9078 Wrong Permissions Cookie permission bytes to not match. Access denied. Incorrect permissions. Please update your eKEY.
9079 Wrong Serial or System Code A cookie does not match the serial number or system code of the Keybox. Access denied. Incorrect serial or system code. Please update your eKEY.
907A Access Hour Restriction The keybox access hours do not allow access. Access denied. Timed access restriction. Access not allowed outside timed access hours. Please call listing agent.
907B Key Container Lockout The user did not respond in time to lift up the key container. Key container timed out. Perform obtain key operation again.
907C Charge Pump Failure The shackle or key container could not be opened due to internal hardware failure. KeyBox failure. Contact Field Support.
907D Invalid Update Code Keybox fails to decrypt the renewal bytes in a cookie. Access denied. Key is not updated. Perform a wireless or obtain and enter an emergency update code.
907E No More Access Log Entries No more entries are available in the access log. No entries in the access log.  
907F Invalid time An invalid time is sent to the Keybox in the Write RTC command. Invalid date and/or time. Please update your eKEY.
9080 Low Battery Charge Pump An Obtain Key or Release Shackle operation resulted in a low battery. Low battery. Contact Field Support.
90E5 Firmware Flashing Started Indicates firmware flashing has started and that the box will be inaccessible for a few minutes. KeyBox not accessible. Please wait.
90E6 Invalid Checksum The firmware written into memory is invalid and does not get flashed. Invalid checksum. Firmware flash not complete.
9A01 No Devices Found Bluetooth discovery does not find any devices to communicate with. No devices are in range. Please make sure eKEY is in range of Bluetooth iBox and try again.
9A02 Invalid Frame The key received a frame that was less than 2 bytes long. Communication Error: Invalid Frame Ack Please try the operation again.
9A03 Invalid Frame Ack The first byte of a response frame does not equal the command ID or Ack Error ID. Communication Error: Receive IO Error Please try the operation again.
9A04 Receive IO Error An IOException was caught while receiving a frame. Communication Error: Send IO Error Please try the operation again.
9A05 Send IO Error An IOException was caught while sending a frame. Communication Error: Parse Failure Please try the operation again.
9A06 Parse Failure An incorrect number of bytes were returned from a command. Communication Error: Parse Failure Please try the operation again.
9A07 KPin Lookup Failure eKEY failed to read the kPIN value from local storage. This means that the local database is not initialized or corrupt. Communication Error: KPin Lookup Failure Please try the operation again.
9A08 Null Code Happens if a Null Code (Pin. Shackle, Programming) is passed to a java KeyboxClient command. Communication Error: Null Code Please try the operation again.
9A09 Code Too Long Happens if a code (Pin, Shackle, Programming) longer than 12 digits is passed to a java KeyboxClient command. Communication Error: Code Too Long Please try the operation again.
9A0A Client Busy Occurs if a Keybox command is started while a command is currently in progress. Communication Error: Client Busy Please try the operation again.
9A0B Cookie Lookup Failure Occurs when the Keybox Client cannot read a cookie from the Local Database. Communication Error: Cookie Lookup Failure Please try the operation again.
9A0C Discover Bluetooth Error Occurs when a Bluetooth Exception occurs during the device discovery sequence. Communication Error: Discover Bluetooth Error Please try the operation again.
9A0D Connect IO Error Occurs when an IOException occurs while trying to connect to a Bluetooth device. Communication Error: Connect IO Error Please try the operation again.
9A0E No Auth Cookies Occurs when no Authorization Cookies are found in the Local Database when sending the Obtain Key Authorize command. Communication Error: No Auth Cookies Please try the operation again.
9A0F Update Keybox Failure Occurs when a Keybox Snapshot cannot be saved to local storage. Occurs during a Release Shackle, Read Showings, Read Keybox, and Write Keybox. Communication Error: Update Keybox Failure Please try the operation again.
9A10 Update Pending SW Change Failure Occurs when a Keybox Software Pending Change record cannot be saved to local storage. Occurs during a Write Keybox command. Communication Error: Update Pending SW Change Failure Please try the operation again.
9A11 No Response Occurs when a zero length frame is returned from a Keybox or Translator. Communication Error: No Response Please try the operation again.
9A12 Receive Timeout Occurs when the handheld does not receive a response from the Keybox or Translator within 30 seconds. This can occur during any command. Time out waiting for response. Please try the operation again.
9A13 Authorization Cookie Not Found Occurs when someone tries to communicate with a Keybox from a different system code. The error occurs because eKEY will search its local database for an authorization cookie that matches the current keybox, and when the cookie is not found, this error is returned. Authorization not found. Not authorized to open KeyBox.
9A14 Bluetooth Disabled Occurs when the Bluetooth radio is disabled when attempting to start a keybox operation. (Android only) Bluetooth Disabled. Enable Bluetooth in Android.
9A15 eKEY Adapter Disconnected Occurs when the iPhone eKEY Adapter is disconnected during a keybox operation. eKEY Adapter was disconnected. Please connect the eKEY Adapter and try again.
9A16 Wrong Keybox Occurs when you make changes to a Keybox and attempt to program a different keybox. Access Denied. Invalid keybox or keybox swapped during operation.
9D5D eKEY Adapter IrDA Communication Failure Occurs when you point an iPhone eKEY Adapter away from a keybox after it has begun communicating. IrDA communication failure. Please keep the eKEY Adapter pointed at the keybox and try again.
9AFE Interrupted Occurs when the user cancels the operation. The operation was canceled. Please try the operation again.
9AFF Unhandled Error Occurs when an unhandled Exception is caught. Communication Error: Unhandled Error Please try the operation again.

eSYNC Error Codes

Error Code
Short Name
9B00 Connect IO Error Indicates an IOException occurred when connecting to the server. Failed connecting to server. Please perform eSYNC.
9B01 Send IO Error Indicates an IOException occurred while sending to the server. Failed sending data to server. Please perform eSYNC.
9B02 Receive IO Error Indicates an IOException occurred while receiving from the server. Failed receiving data from server. Please perform eSYNC.
9B03 Receive HTTP Error Error Code returned when an HTTP response does not return 200 OK from the server. Http error during receive. Please perform eSYNC.
9B04 Verify IO Error Indicates an IOException occurred while parsing a response from the server. Error verifying response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B05 Verify XML Error Indicates an XmlPullParserException occurred while verifying a response from the server. Error verifying XML response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B06 SOAP Envelope Not Found Error Code returned when the response XML does not contain a node with an XML namespace = “” and name = “Envelope”. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B07 SOAP body not found Error Code returned when the response XML contains a Soap Fault. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B08 SOAP Fault Error Code returned when the response XML does not contain an XML node that is ‘{soapAction}Response’ where {soapAction} was the soap command that was just sent. Soap fault. Please perform eSYNC.
9B09 SOAP response not found Error Code returned when the response XML does not contain a node with an XML namespace = “” and name = “Body”. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B0A SOAP result not found Error Code returned when the response XML does not contain an XML node that is ‘{soapAction}Result’ where {soapAction} was the soap command that was just sent. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B0B Prepare IO Error Indicates an IOException occurred while preparing a command to send to the server. Error preparing data for upload. Please perform eSYNC.
9B0C Authorize DS Sync Error Indicates a DSSyncError tag was found in an Authorize Client response. Failed to authorize client. Please enter an eKEY Authorization code.
9B0D Challenge DS Sync Error Indicates a DSSyncError tag was found in an Challenge response. Challenge failed. Please enter an eKEY Authorization code.
9B0E Challenge not found Indicates the ‘Challenge’ tag was not found in an AuthorizeClient response. Missing data in response. Please enter an eKEY Authorization code.
9B0F Sync Code Not Found Indicates the ‘SyncCode’ tag was not found in an AuthorizeClient response. Missing data in response. Please enter an eKEY Authorization code.
9B10 Invalid Sync Code format Indicates the ‘SyncCode’ tag was not in the correct format, which is non-null and divisible by two. Data format incorrect. Please perform eSYNC.
9B11 KPIN code not found Indicates the ‘KpinCode’ tag was not found in an AuthorizeClient response. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B12 Invalid KPIN code format Indicates the ‘KpinCode’ tag was not in the correct format, which is non-null and divisible by two. Data format incorrect. Please perform eSYNC.
9B13 Save Sync Code Failure Indicates that the ‘SyncCode’ could not be saved to the database. Error saving data. Please perform eSYNC.
9B14 Save KPIN Failure Indicates that the ‘KpinCode’ could not be saved to the database. Error saving data. Please perform eSYNC.
9B15 Sync Code Location not found Indicates the ‘SyncCodeLoc’ tag was not found in an AuthorizeClient response. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B16 Invalid Sync Code Location format Indicates the ‘SyncCodeLoc’ tag was not in the correct format, which is non-null. Data format incorrect. Please perform eSYNC.
9B17 New Sync Code Not Found Indicates the ‘NewSyncCode’ tag was not found in an AuthorizeClient response. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B18 Invalid New Sync Code Format Indicates the ‘NewSyncCode’tag was not in the correct format, which is non-null and divisible by two. Data format incorrect. Please perform eSYNC.
9B19 Read Sync Code failure Indicates that the ‘SyncCode’ could not be read from the database. Challenge failed. Please perform eSYNC.
9B1A Security Response Not Found Indicates that the ‘SecurityResponse’ tag was not found in the RespondToChallenge response. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B1B Save New Sync Code Failure Indicates that the New Sync token could not be saved to the database after a valid response to the RespondToChallenge command. Error saving data. Please perform eSYNC.
9B1C Not Authorized Error returned when the Respond To Challenge ‘SecurityResponse’ node does not contain the text ‘Authorized’. Not authorized. Reset auth tokens.
9B1D Server Response Not Found Indicates that the ‘ServerResponse’ tag was not found in the SyncData response. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B1E Meta data mismatch Indicates that the AppID attribute of the ‘ServerResponse’ tag did not match the value in the applications current meta data. Unexpected Error Please perform eSYNC.
9B1F Upload status not found Indicates that the ‘UploadStatus’ tag was not found in the SyncData response. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B20 Downlaod Data not found Indicates that the ‘DownloadData’ tag was not found in the SyncData response. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B21 Acknowledge not found Indicates that the ‘Acknowledgement’ tag was not found in the SyncAcknowledge response. Missing data in response. Please perform eSYNC.
9B22 Acknowledge Failed Error returned when the Acknowledgment status is not equal to ‘OK’. Failed to acknowledge sync. Please perform eSYNC.
9B23 Cookie Lookup failure Error returned when the Key Config cannot be loaded from local storage. Error reading data from local storage. Please perform eSYNC.
9B24 Key Config Lookup Failure Error returned when the Key Config cannot be loaded from local storage. Error reading data from local storage. Please perform eSYNC.
9B25 No Coverage Error returned when the Blackberry does not have BIS-B coverage available. No network coverage. Please perform eSYNC.
9BFE Interrupted Occurs when the user cancels the operation. The operation was canceled. Please perform eSYNC.
9BFF Unhandled Error Occurs when an unhandled Exception is caught. Unexpected Error. Please perform eSYNC.
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