Listing Maintenance


Listing maintenance allows you to update your listing data. Using the listing maintenance functionality, you can change each data field in your listing input template.

To maintain your listings click Listings on the Banner Menu and under Maintain click Listings.

The following will display. Click Select an Action on the row of the listing to which you want to maintain.

The Select an Action modal will appear, click the maintenance function you wish to perform.

The following pages will describe what each option does. Many of the options have Quick Start Guides associated with them. For more information see those Quick Start Guides.

Maintain Listing: Access and change all data fields in the listing input screen for your listing. Make the needed changes to your listing and click Save.

Expiration Date: Displays the current expiration date in the expiration date field of your listing. Enter the new expiration date (format mm/dd/yyyy) or use the calendar tool by clicking the calendar icon. Find the month and then click the day to enter the date into the expiration field. Click Save to add the new expiration date to your listing.

Virtual Tour: Displays the field where you can paste the web address for the virtual tour. We recommend, you copy and paste the web address given to you by the virtual tour creator into this field.

Note: Remember the web address needs to be in the following format.

Copy/Clone Listing: Copies the data from a selected listing to create a new listing. This enables listing agents to add similar properties quickly into Paragon. This works especially well when inputting condominiums, townhouses, lots or land, lots in a subdivision with a common developer, etc.

When you click Copy/Clone Listing, you duplicate the listings data into a new listing input screen except for several fields. You can edit any of the data fields as needed to reflect current information about the property. You will need to make the following edits in order save your listing to get an MLS number.

  • Status
  • Listing Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Address if it is a copy of a current listing
  • Any other required fields that are not copied as set by your local association

Tour Listing: Opens a page where you can add a tour date for your association. Tours are also called broker open house or caravan. When the page displays, click the plus (+) sign to add a new tour.

Enter date along with the start and stop time of the tour. Add comments you want displayed on the upcoming tour. Click Save to add the tour information.

For more information see the Open House and Tours Quick Start Guide.

Price Change: Displays the asking price field with the current asking price displayed for your listing. Enter the new price and click Save.

Paragon will ask you to add a Hotsheet comment to explain the change in price. Add your comment and click Save to complete the asking price change. If you have no comment just leave the field blank and click Save.

Note: Only fields designated by the local association may have the hot sheet comments.

Remarks: Opens a page with all of the remarks fields displayed with their current content for your listing. Each remarks field has a spell check. After making the needed edits to your remarks, click Save to update your remarks fields.

Change Geocode: Opens the Geocoding modal so you can map or remap your listing. Geocoding or mapping your listing is a very important step as you maintain your listing. By Geocoding your properties correctly, allows your listings to display properly on the different maps throughout Paragon. This includes the Client Connect site which is sent to customers.

If the plotting is correct, click Save to add the Geocode data or mapping solution to your listing.

If the plotting is incorrect, you can change the Geocode or mapping of your property. Click Set Location at the bottom center of the Change Geocode modal. You can, using a single click, relocate the red X to the correct property location. If you want to adjust this new location to a more accurate location, click Set Location again and click again for the correct location. Repeat this sequence of clicks until you have the correct location. When the plotting is correct, click Save to add the Geocode data or mapping solution to your listing.

For more information on Geocoding your listing, see the Manually Geocode Listings Quick Start Guide.

Open House: Opens a page where you can add a date and comments for an open house for your listing. Paragon retains the data for multiple open houses saved to your listings.

Enter date along with the start and stop time of the open house. You can add comments to your open house that other agents can to see when they search for upcoming open houses. Click Save to add your open house to your listing.

For more information see the Open House and Tours Quick Start Guide.

Associated Documents: Opens a page where you can add documents for your listing. Associated Documents is a repository of documents the listing agent ties to their listings in Paragon.

Add a Document window displays. Click the plus (+) sign to add a document to your listing.

The Add New modal opens. Click Browse to locate the document on your computer to be added to the listing.

Add your own description so it is clear to other agents the content of the uploaded document. Click Save to complete the upload process for this document.

At the time Associated Documents are uploaded into Paragon, the listing agent selects if the document is:

  • Public (can be viewed by Paragon users and E-mailed directly out of Paragon to anyone)
  • Private (can be viewed by Paragon users but cannot be E-mailed directly out of Paragon)

For more information see the Associated Document Quick Start Guide

Sold/Closed: Opens the listing input screen. Changing the listing status to Sold which displays the fields required to record the selling of the property. Add selling information and click Save.

Note: DO NOT save your listing unless you have entered all of the selling information. When you save your listing with a closed status, you may lose editing privileges for your listing, per local association rules.

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